Broussard Commons
Broussard Commons
Broussard Commons

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

The Market at Broussard Commons
is a 4,500 sq/ft, air-conditioned facility, located within the shopping center known as BROUSSARD COMMONS at 817 Albertson Pkwy, Broussard, LA 70518.


  1.  THE MARKET will be open SATURDAYS from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm and may opt to open for special events and additional dates upon discretion of the Landlord.
  2. All persons, businesses, or organizations wishing to become a Vendor or Member of THE MARKET must file a Vendor Application and submit booth/product photos.
  3. Annual Membership Dues:  Upon meeting all the requirements, (acceptance of application, payment of all applicable fees, submission of proof of insurance, and product sampling), applicant will be notified by the Landlord of the date they may start selling at THE MARKET.
  4. Weekly Rental Rates:  Rates will start at $50 for up to 100 sq/ft per week. Larger spaces will be considered at a negotiated price with the Landlord. OUTDOOR space may be available, weather permitting and Landlord approved. All outdoor space will require vendor to provide a 10′ x 10′ white tent. Tent rental of $10 may be available upon request. Booth sharing is not permitted, each booth should represent only one producer/business. Electricity will be available upon request and availability, which will require an additional $10 fee.
  5. Dues can be paid monthly or weekly, in person or online. If paid weekly online payments are due by noon of the Thursday before the Saturday Market.  Payments made by cash or check will be handled by the Landlord, or office staff.  Checks payable to BROUSSARD COMMONS, LLC or by credit card through the website.  Vendors who have prepaid must cancel, via email, before the Thursday noon cut-off.   
  6. Website:
  7. The Landlord will assign spaces by Friday morning before Market Day. Designated spaces are not guaranteed. 
  8. The Landlord has the right to deny or restrict any vendor for failure to follow the rules. Problems, complaints to concerns must be directed to the Landlord or office staff immediately.  
  9. THE MARKET strives to provide a fair and equal opportunity for all participants to sell and purchase only quality products at a fair and reasonable price.
  10. All vendors participating at THE MARKET must comply with the sanitary rules and regulations of the Parish and State Health Department and any other governing body.
  11. Food items for sale must be packaged and displayed in accordance with current local, state and federal regulations.
  12. Produce must be fresh. Farmers must follow state and federal pesticide control laws.
  13. Food Samples, if offered, must be provided to the public in appropriate containers, maintained at an appropriate temperature and handled in accordance with the health regulations.
  14. Set-Up/Take-Down for THE MARKET may begin at 6:00am on Saturday Mornings and will close at 7:30, vendors arriving after this time will be excluded from participating at THE MARKET that day. Vendor parking will be in the rear of the building on Ridgeview Dr.   A vendors first violation of this policy will result in a verbal or written warning, the second violation will result in a $50 fine, and a 3rd violation will be a 2 month suspension from THE MARKET.     Take Down shall not begin before 5:00 pm and must be clear of the building by 7pm.   All vendors will be responsible for the cleanliness of their selling area during and after clean-up.  All Set up and tear down will be from the rear entrance only.   All vendors must park in the rear of the building.
  15. Signage: All vendors must display a business name at their booth for the duration of the market.  Vendors may also be required to display other licenses or permits by state or local regulatory agencies.  All signage is subject to approval of the Landlord. 
  16. Sales Tax: each vendor will operate as an individual business entity and as such, each vendor is responsible for collecting his/her own sales taxes, where applicable.
  17. Insurance: Each vendor, selling value-added edible products must carry his/her own production liability insurance.  Proof of product insurance will be verified upon entry in the market and a copy bust be submitted to the Landlord.  Renewed proof on insurance will be submitted to the Landlord each year with Annual Dues Membership.
  18. The renter shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless BROUSSARD COMMONS, LLC and it’s owners, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses arising out the space’s use, if such claim is attributable to personal injury, bodily injury, disease or death, or injury to, or destruction of property, including the loss of uses there from, and is not caused by any negligent act or omission of willful misconduct of THE MARKET at BROUSSARD COMMONS, their owners, employees or volunteers acting within the scope of their employment.
  19. Soliciting for events that are not directly related the BROUSSARD COMMONS, LLC are prohibited. All flyers, pamphlets, handouts and sign-up sheets presented at THE MARKET must be approved by the Landlord of Broussard Commons and approved a week in advance of the market at which they are to be distributed. 
  20. BROUSSARD COMMONS reserves the right to revise THE MARKET rules and regulation at any time they deem appropriate. There rules are hereby adopted and valid as of August 1, 2019.
  21. No spots are guaranteed, regardless of tenure or attendance regularity. A member of THE MARKET who vends as a regular, sporadic, or seasonal basis throughout the year will be given first priority in space assignment and have seniority in retaining assigned space.  The landlord of Broussard Commons or his designee will assign and approve all space assignments and make adjustments as necessary.
  22. RULES AND REGULATIONS The MARKET at Broussard Commons has established rules and regulations that guide vendors in understanding their responsibilities as a member of the market community.
  23. VENDOR INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS Vendors warrant the quality of all his/her products when they are offered to the public. In order for THE MARKET to ensure an appropriate product mix, vendors are permitted to sell only the items that are listed on their vendor application.  Amendments may be made to application but must be approved by Landlord.  This request must be made in writing prior to authorization. 
  24. ACCEPTING to participate and setting up you acknowledge that you’ve read and will abide by the rules set forth in this document.

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